27 JULY 1929, Page 12

The remarkable growth which aviation has made in the United

States in 1928 has been continued through the first six months of 1929. The total mileage of 8,000,000, flown by air transport operators during the first half year, is com- pared with 10,500,000 for the entire twelve months of 1928. The length of the airway network to-day is approximately 80,000 miles as against 16,667 at the end of 1928. Forty thousand passengers, and 3,400,000 pounds of mail were carried during the first half year, compared with 35,000 passengers and 4,061,000 pounds for the whole of 1928. Since 1927 the number of licensed pilots has doubled, and there are now 575 aviation schools as against 475 at the end of last year. Exports of aircraft engines and parts tripled in the first five months of this year, and the total of American aircraft production in 1929 is expected to be double that of 1928. The Secretary of Commerce rightly describes the development of aviation as one of the " outstanding achieve- ments" of American industry in recent years•