27 JULY 1974, Page 5

Population problems

From Dr Elizabeth Elliott

Sir: Because "Population Count-down" IS being 'sold' to the public as an important money-maker, whose funds are to be used to keep the FPA going as "educator and innovator" (Population Count-down Newsletter, Spring/Summer 1974), it is probably understandable that Sir David Renton, a committee member of the group, should want to keep up the pressures of hysteria about 'population' in this country (Letters, July 20).

Has he taken note that Eric Thompson, Assistant Director of Intelligence of the GLC, has recently challenged the Government Actuary, whose forecasts of continually increasing population in the UK are being -disproved? We are now below zero population growth, Mr Thompson says, and indications are that this is here to stay. GLC schools' planning, for example, needs re-thinking.

Doctors in family planning clinics have dissociated themselves from "poPtIlation count-down." We do not wish otir work in helping and advising individual couples, to be connected in the Public mind with pressure groups favOuring unlimited abortion (or legalised euthanasia), or dictated family size. When members of these 'population' groups make statements to the effect that abortion is the best way to control Population, that the Pill is "as safe as aspirin" and should be free of prescription, and otherwise play down the health risks to a dangerous extent, it is time that caring doctors reminded them that it is sentient and vulnerable human beings (women) that are being discussed — not "contraceptors" or "abortees."

br Linklater has done an important service by his perceptive article (July 13) about the dangers, to old people of emerging pressures for legalised euthanasia on the sacred cause of "population control").

Who should trust a doctor once he or !he was publicly labelled as a state Population controller"? Is this to be Part of the FPA's "education and Maovation"?

Elizabeth Elliott West Walton, Wisbech, Cambs