27 JUNE 1829, Page 13


The Lord W. Bentineic,Craigie, which was ashore near Halifax, has been got off with:: little damage, and her cargo has been discharged in good order.

Arrived. At Gravesend, June 25th, Caroline, Harvey. from Mauritius ; and Louisa;. Mackie, from Bengal. In the Channel, Clifton, Carmichael; and George Home, Steel,, from Mauritius ; Atlas, Hunt; Barrett° Junior, Shannon; and Moffatt, Brown, fromBengal and Madras; and Thalia, Bitten, from Bengal ; and Scipio, Petrie, front Singa-

pore. At Bristol, June 24th, Clyde, Scott, from Mattrithre. At Liverpool, Jane 19tha John Taylor, Atkinson, from Bengal and Cape. At St. Helena, May 4th, Lonach, Noakes, front Bengal ; Britannia, Blair, from N. S. Wales ; and Sarah, Hill front You Diemen's Land. ath, Legonier, Boyes, from London; 7th, Agnes, 'Hiltons from Mau,- rit i us ; Ilth, Tamerlane, Miller; and lla.:Iimy, Lee, from Bombay. At the Cape, April 17th,. Sophia, Dawson, from Bengal; heel:, Kerswell, Armstrong, from London. Off the Cape, Pat: ietic from Bengal. At Bombay, Feb. 9th, Childe Harold, West, front Ceylon ; We G. Anderson, Mc AlIllIam,, from Clyde ; 12th, Sesostris, Yates, from London, At Bengal. Feb. 20th, Hope, Morse ; and Gipsey. Henderson, from Liverpool. At Rio Janeiro April 22d, Magnet„lohnson' from N. S. Wales ; 25th, Wave, Hide, from Van Diemen:1s Land. At Bahia, /Slay 22d, Lady Blackwood, from N. S. Wales.

Sailed.—From Gravesend, June aot Im, Tranmere, Smith, for Van Diemert's Land ; and Catherine, Fenn, for Calcutta ; 23d, Capt. Cook, Willis, for Bombay; and 25th Cantitrea Castle, Barber, for Calcutta. From Liverpool, June 19th, St. George, Ste:Lipson,. for Bengal ; 21st, Gipsey, Quirk, for Bombay.

Spoken.—H. C. S. Waterloo, from London to China, 29th May, 6 north, 23 west ; Malcolm, Eyles, front Madras to London, 19th June, 45, north, 21 west ; Dunviegan Castle, from Ceylon to London, 3d March, off Doudra Head ; Resource, Smith, from London to New South Wales, 8th Feb.3 south, 26 west. SATCmcDAY MonNING.

Arrived. Off Portsmouth, June 25th, Malcolm, Eyles, from Madras. Oil Dartmouth, June 24th, George Canning, trolley, from. New South Wales, sailed 22d March, about two months' later than any vessel which has arrived from that Colony. No intelligence by her has as yet transpired. She sailed in company with the Eliza, Doughty.

Sailed. From Gravesend, June 20th, Dolton, Clarkson, and Diamond, Clark, for Ben- gal ; anti Olive Branch, Andersop, for the Cape. From Liverpool, June 24th, Clansman, Ritchie, for New South Wales.

By the Fanny, arrived at Lierpoul front Lisbon, we learn that the expedition for Ter- • ceira sailed on the 10th instant.