27 JUNE 1840, Page 11

Vic Vrobincrs.

Mr. Edward 'Tolland, who formerly is presented East Worcestershire, will stand on the Liberal interest at the next election.

Mr. J. C. Dundas has announced his intention of not again becoming a candidate for the representation of York. Mr. Sergeant Ateherley, the defeated Conservative candidate at the last election, will again come forward.

An address with 1,300 signatures of persons of different polities, re- sident in Birmingham, was presented on Tuesday to Mr. Villiers, to thank him for his exertions in the cause of Corn-law Repeal.

A long correspondenve nausea Mr. Lechmere Charlton and the Home Office is published in the Times. It relates to the conduct of the Cor- poration of Ludlow in withholding certain accounts, which Mr. Charlton

thinks ought to be preduced. Mr. Charlton called upon Lord Normanby to interfere ; but his Lordship (who did not condescend to write himself to Mr. Charlton, who addressed him as an old friend) refused to make any order for the production of the accounts.

The increase of the Window-tax, proposed its the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Budget, excites dissatisffiction in the Principality. At a.

public meeting held in the Town-hall of Machytilleth, resolutions were passed, declaring the hilliest to he odious and oppressive ; and impolitic on the part of the Ministers, who derived their best support from the middle classes, on whom the tax fell with most weight. It was also stated—and this is worthy of e,msitleration—illat the " impost would principally affect the inhabitants of towns in rural districts, and its many instances, the increase ripen the amount of past assessments would be

nearly half of the rachrent." and " consequently ruin Many families." Another resolution declared, that tl:e bankers and great merchants were

the principal gainers by the reauction of postage, and they ought to make up the deficiency ia the revenue arising frout the alteration of postage- charges.

We regret to state that the batik of Nlessrs. Langmead and Co., of Teignmouth, has suspended payment.—Illem0011.1ournaL