27 JUNE 1846, Page 12


STOCK Haraswes, FilMAT AFTsasoost.

The gloom that has so long impended over the market still continues; and as a change of atinistry is now considered imminent, capitalists seem determined to limit their operations as much as possible. The transactions of the English Stock Market have not been important : prices have been declining during the whole week, in antici- pation of the Ministerial defeat of last night. When the result of the division became known, Consols for Account were done as low as 944 ; thus marking a decline of nearly per cent. A purchase of 50,0001. has since given firmness to the market ; and after being at 95, the closing quotation is 94i 95. Reduced Three per Cents and Three-and- a-Quarter per Cents have finetnated proportionally. The premium of Exchequer Bills has not experienced any material improvement; and is today 9s. to lat premium. Thhi continued depression is the more remarkable, as no sales on account of the Railway deposits have occurred for some time. Notwithstanding all pressure has thus been removed from the market, no symptom of advance is apparent : on the contrary, it continues in a very unhealthy state, so that any ea:ens:ye sale at current quotations would be impossible. The present depression has continued now for Some weeks. The interest paid upon Exchequer Bills is 24 per cent per annum, while the current rate of discount is from 34 to 4 per cent : it is clear, therefore, that unless the value of money be depreciated, or the interest of Exchequer Bills raised, small hope can be en- tertained of any improvement in their value. The annual issue of June Billsis just over; and as these securities are not receivable In payment of the public imposts till one year after date, the necessity of increasing the rate of interest (even if the premium should vanish entirely and the bills themselves fall to a discount) will not be forced upon the Go- vernment until March 1847, when those bills issued in March 1846 will he called in and exchanged. It is, however, the general opinion, that nothing but an increase in the rate of interest can give firmness to the market, as the probabilities are considered Tea much in favour of an increase instead of a diminution in the value of money.

In the Foreign Market, the fluctuations and business transacted have been of second- ary importance. Portuguese Bonds have been comparatively steady. Neither in these nor in any other current varieties have the transactions been important. The intefli. genes brought by the last Brazilian packet, of the resignation of the Ministry at Me Janeiro, has not produced the slightest effect upon the price of Brazilian Bonds.

The Railway Shares are all lower. The abandonment of several of the projects of last year seems to have been without any effect upon the value of those remaining. The French Shares have been considerably depressed ; especially those of the Great Northern line, the tolls though extensive not having come up to the anticipated amount.

A meeting of the proprietors of the Bank of Australasia was held on Monday ; when the Directors recommended, that in order to preserve the funds of the corporation intact to meet the expenses of an extensive litigation in which they are engaged, the declara- tion of the usual dividend should not be made. This recommendation was adopted; and there will not be any division of profits among the proprietors for the half-year ending 31st December last. The shares are consequently lower : the last price at which business was effected before the meeting was 25. No transactions have since occurred ; but the shares may be considered unsaleable at anything near that price.


There is no change in the prices of the English or Foreign Funds; all of which are the name as yesterday. The transactions in Railway Shares are quite trifling ; and we can as yet only notice the following : Great Southern and Western (Ireland), 214 ; Leeds and Bradford, 58} ; North Staffordshire, 431 premium.

SATURDAY. Two o'CLoca.

The English Funds close rather more firmly ; the last price of Consols for Account being 954. The Foreign Stocks are without any material alteration. Portuguese Bonds are rather lower, an influential seller having appeared in the market : the high- est price of the day is 49, and thelowest 474 ; the quotations at the close being 47 to 49.

No change of importance has occurred in the Railway Shares ; the business transacted being but trifling, and the only feature in the market a slight degree of firmness in : Paris and Lyons Shares. We can only record the following bargains. Eastern Counties, 231 4; Ditto, New, 74 ; Great Western, 1414; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 151 1 15 ; Lon- don and Birmingham, 223 4; Ditto, Thirds, 624; Ditto, Quarters, 228 9; London and South-western, T74; Manchester and Birmingham, 83; Midland, 1484; South-eastern and Dover, New, No. I, 194; Ditto, New, No. 2, 131; York and North Midland, 98; York and Selby, 741; Boulogne and Amimul, 12f; Dutch-Rhenish, 74; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 134 f; Luxembourg, ; Orleans and Bordeaux, 94; Paris and Lyons, Constituted, 6; Paris and Strasbourg, Constituted, 4(; Tours and Nantes, Con- stituted, 5 41.

3 per Cent Consols Dittofor Account.. .ex div 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock

Exchequer Bills prem.

India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents

Belgian 41 per Cents Chinon 6 per Gents


95 1 95 1 964 1 104 3-16 1044 5 9 13 shut 82 4

96 8 95 7

Columbian ex Venezuela...

Danish Spar Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents

Mexican 5 per Cents

Ditto Deferred Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 Russian Spar Cents Spanish (Active) Spec Cents

Ditto 3 Cents 1842


87 9 604 1 92 1 27 1 16 47 9 47 9 109 11 24 361 '7