27 JUNE 1868, Page 3

The sales of Money Stock having considerably exceeded the purchases,

Home Securities have been very flat during the week, at somewhat depressed quotations. On Monday, Consols, for money, were done at 94k, 95. Yesterday they marked 94i, for delivery, and 94t, k for time. Reduced and New Three per Cents. have been done at 94k, ; Exchequer Bills, 15s. to 20s. prem. Indian Securities have continued in request at very full prices. Indian Five per Cents. have marked 1141, and the Bonds, 28s. and 33s. prem. The Foreign House has continued steady, and prices have tended upwards. On the whole, a fair business has been transacted in Railway Shares. Money has slightly advanced in price, the best short bills having been done at 1 j, I per cent. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is 22,962,981/. ; in the Bank of France, 48,810,0001.