27 JUNE 1874, Page 3

The Home-rulers, or at least that section of them which

Mr. Butt leads, have at length agreed upon a definite plan of action. Mr. Butt has asked and obtained Tuesday night for his debate, and will then move that the House resolve itself into Committee to consider the Parliamentary relations between Ireland and Great Britain. If this were acceded to without debate, he would move in Committee that " it is expedient and just to restore to the Irish nation the right and power of managing exclusively Irish affairs in an Irish Parliament ; that provision should be made at the same time for maintaining the integrity of the Empire and the communication between the countries, by reserving to the Im- perial -Parliament full and exclusive control over all Imperial

affairs." We have endeavoured to explain the meaning of Mr. Butt's motion elsewhere, but may add here that we doubt if he will go to a division, or elicit anything like a great speech from Mr. Disraeli. Mr. Butt is only fulfilling the pledge under which he was elected.