27 JUNE 1896, Page 40

Pioneer Work in a Great City. By John Hunt. (S.

W. Part- ridge.)—This "Autobiography of a London City Missionary" is full, as may easily be supposed, of interesting and even exciting facts. A city missionary sees a good deal of the "seamy side" of life, and sometimes at disagreeably close quarters. There is scarcely an occupation in which there is more need of patience and courage. Nor is the gift of a little humour at all out of place. We are sorry to see Mr. Hunt thinking harshly of Roman Catholics. We should have thought that it might have been better to leave them alone, and concentrate his efforts on those who have no religion at all. It is always perilous to shake a man's faith. And if "conduct" be the final cause of religion, who can say whether Roman Catholics do not get as near to the result as the adherents of any other creed.