27 JUNE 1914, Page 12


Selections from, the Correspondence of Arthur Capel, Earl of Essex, 1675-1677. Edited by C. E. Pike. (Royal Historical Society.)—Lord Essex was Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland from 1672 to 1677. Copies of the letters which he wrote and received during his term of office are in the British Museum. In 1770 and in 1890 parts of the collection were published. Mr. Pike's volume now completes the work. A noteworthy letter from Sir Robert Southwell revives the memory of that "linen draper bold," Francis Jenks or Jenkins, to whose unjust imprisonment in 1676, adroitly handled by Shaftesbury, we probably owe the Habeas Corpus Act. Perhaps at the present moment an adventitious interest may attach to Lord Masserene's description of "ye killing of one of ye Tories of ye County of London Derry "—an incident which "will in a great measure quiet divers in yt part of ye country."