27 JUNE 1914, Page 17

The British squadron commanded by Rear-Admiral Beatty has been received

with great hospitality in Russian waters. On Saturday last a deputation of members of the Duma came on board the 'Lion,' and M. Rodzianko, the President, delivered an address of welcome. At the banquet on board- the 'Lion' that evening Admit-al Beatty, in responding to the toast of the British Navy, thanked Admiral von Essen for the truly warm and cordial reception accorded to them, and for the especial pleasure he and his officers had experienced in making the acquaintance of the Commander of the gallant `Nova: On Sunday evening the British squadron proceeded to Kronstadt, arriving on Monday, and was formally received by the Minister of Marine. On Wednesday the British Admiral and his officers were entertained at lunch by the Tsar at Tsarskoe Selo and at dinner in the evening by the British Ambassador. In the course of his speech Sir George Buchanan drew • happy auguries from the reception of the British squadron at Reval, Kronstadt, and St. Petersburg. The two nations were getting to know and understand each other better, and he was confident that this friendship bad now taken lasting root. The cordiality of the Russian welcome, it may be noted, has not been affected by the critical attitude adopted by their Press over the latest development of British policy in Persia. Meantime the British ships invited to Kiel on the occasion of the Regatta have been cordially welcomed by the Kaiser, who, as Admiral of the British Fleet. is technically in command of the squadron for the time being.