27 JUNE 1914, Page 41

Canada and the British Immigrant. By Emily P. Weaver. (Religious

Tract Society. lie. (3d. net.)—The author of this

book settled in Canada a good many years ago, and is, there- fore, able to put herself in the position of the intending immigrant, to whom she gives many useful hints—the most useful of all being the warning "to make very particular inquiries as to conditions in the special line of work you intend to follow before leaving home." Strong, healthy, well-educated, and practically trained men and women are always likely to succeed; but Canada is no place for the lazy, the ignorant, or the unfit.—Canada: the Western Cities. By Henry Howard. (Investors' Guardian. 2s. net.)—Mr. Howard has made a care- ful study of the borrowings and assets of the municipalities of Western Canada, and concludes that the British capital invested in their securities is amply covered by their assets.