A TRAVELLER IN NEWS. By Sir William Beach Thomas. (Chapman
and Hall. 15s.)
LIFE for a newspaper correspondent is full of entertainment, pnd Sir William Beach Thomas knows how to set down his adventures in such a manner as to hold his readers' attention from the first page to the last. Lord Northcliffe was his " chief," and one of his objects in putting together these recollections was to give to the public a more favourable portrait of that great journalist than has yet been given. Certainly he has softened the well-known outline, but he has not, we think, essentially altered it. " The Ruhr," " Behind the War," and " Official Correspondents " will not fail to interest even those who have resolved never to study another war book. They are open to criticism from the point of view of discretion and they will not please those whose sympathy with the French knows no limit, but they make excellent reading.