26 JUNE 1947, Page 15


sm,--It is recognised that in a democracy the majority shall decide, yet in the instance of the Bankside power station the Minister of Town and Country Planning is flouting the recornmendat:ons of the City of London. the London County Council, members of all parties in both Houses of Parliament, the Royal Society of Arts, the Royal Institute of British Architects and many other responsible bodies and individual authorities, together with the majority of the Press. Is it not without precedent for a Minister to assume, with no supporting authorities, dictatorial powez in the face of universal opposition? All respect a strong man, but when a stubborn man makes a wrong decision and refuses to rectify

it, thereby introducing a totally incongruous element into London's pro- posed new cultural centre and risking over the years grave injury to some of our exceedingly precious architectural heirlooms (the Minister has not cited a single large power plant using low-grade oil that does not give off noxious fumes), all lovers of Britain must feel it is time to ask why no power exists in Parliamentary machinery to curb such autocratic action. Is the only possible relief to be gained by starting a nation-wide petition to the Prime Minister?—I am, Sir, yours, &c.,