27 JUNE 1958, Page 19


SIR,—Mr. Hugh Ross Williamson suggests that, when I wrote that the last Lambeth Conference 'hedged' over the issue of the Church of South India, I had overlooked its committee report that 'no one of is desires to condemn outright or to declare invalid the episcopally consecrated and ordained ministry of the Church of South India.' Now, if this 'is not 'hedging,' then I do not know what the word means. According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary at any rate, 'to hedge' means 'to avoid committing oneself.'

In any case, Mr. Ross Williamson has raised a different point from the one that I originally made. He writes about the validity of orders in a newly constituted episcopal Church. l wrote about the issue of intercommunion between such a Church and its non-episcopal parent Churchei. On this issue Lam- beth 'hedged' in 1948: now it must decide.—Yours faithfully,

Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge