27 MARCH 1830, Page 1

In order to make room for the admirable Plan of

Systematic Colonization, whichshis been placed at our disposal, and which we regard as of first-rate importance in the present state of the country, the next Number of THE SPECTATOR will be etilargt d to twice the ordinary dimensions, but without any increase of price.

We shall avail ourselves of this opportunity to clear off some arrears, and to make the Number as interesting as we can in every respect. No Advertisements for the Double Number can be received after the evening of Thurs- day next.

W. W. would tinker our Greek—mend one error, and make another. The phrase should have had an eta in it, but not a theta. The superfluous preposition appeared only in a part of our impression. We seldom return to notice small inaccuracies, which intelligent readers can correct for themselves.