27 MARCH 1830, Page 13


Mr. Charles Kemble, as Pierre. . Drawn on stone by W. SHARP, from an original drawing by JOHN HAYTER. This is as fine a head as any we ever saw in lithography, and a noble speci- men of manly character. It is a striking portrait of Mr. Kemble, with whose features the expression of the blunt soldier, Pierre, well accords ; and the blending of the likeness of the actor with the spirit of the dramatic personage is felicitously managed. For correctness of drawing, grandeur of effect, breadth of manlier, and boldness of style, it is one of Mr. BATTER'S best productions. In the execution of the lithography, also, Mr. Snafu,- has, we think, surpassed any of his former efforts ; indeed he rivals Mr. LANE both in the force and delicacy of his tints, and the freedom and beauty of his drawing. The excellence of the performance, and the interest of the print, cannot fail of rendering it extremely popular : and this Portrait of the Father by HAVTER and SHARP, will form a worthy companion to that of the Daughter by LAWRENCE and LANE.