27 MARCH 1909, Page 25


Mister this heading we valise such Books of Ms week as haw, not been teSerIllid for review in other forms.) The Official Year-Book of the Church of England. (S.P.C.K. 3s.) .--The facts and figures contained in these six hundred and forty- two closely printed pages are not a little astonishing. If we could only have for comparison a volume equally authoritative and giving equal detail for, say, 17501 What should we find under the headings of money raised for home purposes, for foreign missions, for education ? These are the subjects which at once Suggest themselves ; but there are others which can hardly be Said to be of minor importance. The Report begins with one of these, "Clerical Education." We see what efforts are being made In connexion with the Universities and in particular dioceses. Something is being done, but, as indeed everywhere, moro remains to do. Only eleven of the thirty-three dioceses are bestirring themselves. Exeter, where a fund was commenced by Bishop Phillpotts, may be said to stand first among them. Then We have "Clergy Training Colleges," of which there are six, and "heological Colleges, numbering fourteen, and giving instruction to four hundred and forty-seven students. One province of work Which is specially interesting, for its comparative novelty as well 48. for other reasons, is "The Universities and Public Schools Misaions." At the head of these come the Oxford House and the Cambridge House. Seven Cambridge Colleges have Missions, and t_hroe Oxford—why this disparity ?—and there is an Oxford zledical Mission, and one kept up by the Inns of Court. Twenty- three public schools support Missions, besides two which do their work through the Oxford House. All this, it must be remembered, is au addition made within the last three decades. We must not forget to mention the ten "Women's Settlements." We have given a far from complete analysis of sixty-four pages, just a tenth of the total number. It is but a small part, but it means much.