27 MARCH 1909, Page 3

On Wednesday evening Mr. Chiozza Money moved a Resolu- tion

in favour of graduating the Income-tax. He believed that if the system of declaration were carried right through the scale, £50,000,000, and probably £100,000,000, more assessable income would come to light, and that would have the effect of lowering the rate to the general body of tax- payers. After noting that the total gross assessments for Income-tax had risen 34 per cent. in ten years, Mr. Chiozza Money suggested that men with young children might claim con- sideration, and that married men should pay a lower Income- tax than bachelors. Mr. Lloyd George, while emphasising the undesirability of his making any statement on these problems at this stage, admitted that new taxation would have to be imposed. But while he welcomed suggestions, lie entered the following caveat. It was not enough to demonstrate the justice of your case, you must show how your proposed taxation would affect industry. Statistics could not answer all questions, because behind all statistics you had to deal with that .very elusive factor,—the living person. As for taxing millionaires, Mr. Lloyd George observed that he would as soon rely on a Protective tariff for permanent revenue as he would upon the taxation of millionaires.