27 MARCH 1920, Page 11


(To TEE Emma or THE " liteeersroa."l

Sia,—The latest Bill for the better government of Ireland will probably soon become law. And then what will happen ? In the six-county Ulster it is almost certain that a genuine effort will be made to work it, with reasonable prospects of a fair measure of success. But in the other twenty-six counties there can lie little doubt that Simi Fein will absolutely refuse to have anything to do with the Act, and that the "moderate Nationalists" will be terrorized into the adoption of the same course. The only voters at all likely to venture to go to the polls to elect members of the Southern Parliament will be Unionists by conviction and mostly Protestants. A Parliament thus elected will be utterly unable to enforce its decrees. Thus the predominantly Unionist portion of Ulster will have Home Rule, which it doesn't in the least desire and will only have accepted under protest, while the rest of Ireland will be in full enjoyment of undiluted chaos. Such a situation might furnish an amusing theme for a comic opera, but its outcome, when translated into terms of practical politics, bids fair to be sufficiently tragic.—I am, Sir. &c., H. C. I.