27 MARCH 1920, Page 13



SIR ,—In your issue of December 13111 last a reviewer was kindly disposed towards a little book called Tales of Talbot House, which has since reached its third edition. May I add a note as to the future of the old Fellowship in London ? Various Old friends of the House have come together to assist its rebirth, and an appeal for a sum of 00,000 is now being issued: The Presidents of the New Foundation are the Arch- bishop of Canterbury and Field-Marshal Lord Plainer. If.11.11. the-Prince of Wales, who knew and assisted the House at Poperinghe, conveys his "sincere and cordial wish that such an excellent undertaking will meet with every success." Our tasks are twofold: (a) the provision of a central club premises, (b) hostel accommodation. We do not contemplate the opening of yet another institution, but the refoundation of a home which regards welcome and fellowship as paramount. Those who are willing to help will be assisting in a memorial more fruitful than money, and it is to youth that the world owes most for its deliverance. Our old membership is nearly 5,000 strong; our new members from the younger generation are eagerly awaiting adequate premises, and our bank is Barclays, 1 Pall Mall East. —I am, Sir, (ie.,