27 MARCH 1964, Page 14


SIR,—I have been commissioned to write a book on duchesses who for one reason or another were of interest in the life of the nation, amongst whom is to be included the Dowager Duchess of Abercorn (Louisa Jane, daughter of the sixth Duke of Bed- ford). We understand that in 1894 the Dowager Duchess of Abercorn was photographed with 101 of her descendants, and, according to Madame Consuelo Balsan, in her book The Glitter and the Gold, a similar photograph with 130 of her de- scendants was taken early in the twentieth century in London. As we consider it very desirable to in- clude one or other of these photographs, we wonder whether any of your readers could help us to obtain a copy of either, and we should be very grateful for your help.