27 MARCH 1964, Page 23



1. En route for the district for such a book? Not half! (7-5)

8. It's awkward without the Duke (9)

9. A dead gangster, how un- natural! (5)

11. Plant a tree in alkali (6)

12. The last word in a short session is rather repetitive (8)

14. On strike? No, they're at borne (10) 16. A bit of an eyesore (4) 18. Listen! You're telling me! (4)

19. The locks of six - Must be my marriage fee' (Kingsley) (10) 41. Hide neckwear in work on the roof (8)

22. Precious paste (6)

25. The river that runs through China Town (5)

26. How St. Cecilia would agree with the angels perhaps (9) 27. Hot and puffing diggers (5-7) DOWN 1. A couple of pints, please 1 (5) 2. Some have one as a pet, how hateful that is! (8) 3. The tumtum, for example (4) 4. Where things are refreshingly aboveboard? (10) 5. The world was Pistol's (6) 6. Notes about twisted ties for rosarians (9) 7. Pyramids his chosen game no doubt (12)

10. What's Perdita to Clown? (6.-6)

13. Party encounters (10) 15. Turkey in the tea-tent is just What the doctor ordered! (9) 17. Only aces were in the saddle doing as Casar did (8) 20. A cave, thanks, on Capri (6) 23. A nathe assumed, but not to be taken for granted (5) 24. The son of iEson was her master (4) Solution next week /



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