27 MARCH 2004, Page 35

Bombed out

From Noble Frankland

Sir: Hugh Lunghi hesitates to go on 'flogging the Dresden bombing issue' but does so for the sake of the 'record' (Letters, 20 March). The record, however, is not what Mr Lunghi thinks he remembers; it is what is in, or is not in, the records. There is nothing in the records to show that the Russians asked for the bombing of Dresden. I do not claim my memory is more accurate than Mr Lunghls. We are both old men. But I do claim that the contemporary records are more reliable than either.

Noble Frankland

Abingdon, Oxfordshire

The winners of The SpeetatorMartell Cognac competition are Mrs Goodyear of Rugby and Mr Trevelyan of London, who will travel on the Northern Belle Orient Express from London to the Martell Cognac Grand National.

The runners-up, who will each receive a bottle of Martell VS Cognac, are Mr Sutton, Mr Penny, Ms Pearce, Mr Clarke and Mrs Achow.