27 MAY 1843, Page 10

_foreign Naas.

FRANCE.—Ministers were again defeated in the Chamber of Depu- ties on Friday ; the Chamber adopting the arrangement recommended by the minority of the Committee, that the duty on beet-sugar shall in- crease by five francs a-year until it be equal to the duty on colonial sugar, which will be in 1848. The Ministerial journals say that this will kill the beet-sugar trade, without indemnity. The bill as amended was carried by 286 to 97.

It was reported in Paris, on Wednesday, that the people of St. Do- mingo had made an offer to France of the Protectorate of that republic and island.

SPAIN.—Intelligence has been received from Madrid, with the help of telegraphic despatches, to the 20th instant. The new Premier, Lopez, had resigned. His Cabinet had demanded of the Regent not only the dismissal of General Linage and General Zurbano from the army, but the immediate removal of the garrison of Madrid, to be re- placed by such troops as Lopez should select. General Serrano, how- ever, said that he would resign rather than dictate such terms to the Regent. The Regent refused, and the whole Cabinet resigned. No sooner was it known in the Cortes on the 19th, than a message was sent to the Regent by the Chamber, praying him to continue Regent till October 1844, but on condition of his acting constitutionally. The Regent replied, that his acceptation of Lopez's resignation was consti- tutional. The Congress also declared unanimously, with the exception of three voices, that the Ministers who had resigned had up to the last moment merited its confidence. Senor Gomez Becerra, President of the Senate, immediately charged himself with the formation of a new Cabinet ; which was soon completed, with the exception of a Minister for Foreign Affairs : Gomez Becerra, Justice and President of Council ; De la Serna, Interior ; Hoyos, War ; Cuetos, Marine ; Mendizabal, Finance. It was hoped that Ferrer would be Foreign Minister. Madrid was tranquil on the 20th. Congress had been adjourned to the 27th.

SERVIA.—Advices have been received from Constantinople to the 4th instant. On that day, despatches had arrived, stating that the Servians, disappointed of support from Austria, France, and Great Britain, had made their full and entire submission. They addressed a note to that effect to the Ottoman Government, and were prepared to accede in all things to the commands of the Sultan. Kara George- witch would resign, and submit to a new election, if required. Wettish and Petronowitch would also present themselves at Constantinople, if this should be insisted upon, to stand trial or inquiry.

FERNANDO Po.—The Majestic, which arrived at Liverpool from Africa on Monday, brings intelligence that Fernando Po was taken possession of by the Commander of the Spanish war-brig Nerrion, on the 21st March last, in the name of Queen Isabella : he hoisted the flag of his country and fired a salute.