27 MAY 1854, Page 10

Three other departments of the Miscellaneous Estimates have appeared. For

superannuations and charities, the sum is 213,0791. (increase, 33511.); for special and temporary objects, 536,0981. This section shows an in- crease of 215,6264 : it includes 140,000/. for Burlington House ; 27,5001. additional for land at Kensington Gore ; "Orange River Sovereignty, Cape of Good Hope," 45,0001. For civil contingencies the vote continues at 100,0001. The eight Estimates amount in all to 5,294,9151., the in- crease over the votes of last year being 492,7311.

The Jewish Disabilities Bill of 1853 was read a second time by 263 to 212; majority 51. The Oaths Bill was refused to be read a second time, on Thursday, by 251 to 247; majority 4. This result was mainly brought about by the following 20 Members (counting 40 on the division) having changed sides,—Mr. Cayley, Mr. Montagu Chambers Mr. Thomas Chambers, Mr. Charles Cowan, Mr. Disraeli, Mr. George Duncan, Mr. Dunlop, Mr. Joseph Ferguson, Mr. James M. Gaskell,. Mr. Archibald Hastie, Mr. Hudson, Mr. Arthur Kinnaird, Mr. Henry Gore Langton, Mr. William Laslett, Mr. David Morris, Mr. Francis Pigott, Mr. George Sanders Mr. Bawl°, Captain &obeli, Mr. Henry H. Vivian, Lord Stanley, who voted for the bill of 1853, was absent on Thursday.