27 MAY 1854, Page 19

MILITARY GAZETTE. OFFICE or ORDNANCE, lifay22.-Royal Regt. of Artillery-Second Lieut.

II. T. Arbuthnot to be First Lieut. vice Winn, retired. WAR-OFFICE, May 26.-Coldstream Regt. of Foot Guards-J. W. Trotter, Gent. to be Assist-Surg. 9th B.egt. of Foot-R. W. Meadows, Gent, to be Aasist.-

Sorg. vice Anderson. promoted on the Staff. 27th Foot-Mayor U. Williamson to b e Lieut.-Col. without purchase ; Capt. T. P. Touzel to be Major, without purchase, vice Williamson ; Lieuts. J. S. Manly, C. Warren, and the Hon. L. W. C. A. F.Cary, vice Touzel, to be Capts. without purchase ; Ensigns F. E. Murphy, vice Manly ; W. II. Cresson, vice Warren; W. IL Davis, vice Cary ; Lieuts. W. M'Bean, W. Cairn- cross, R. C. Sladen, J. 11. H. Gemmel, J. Burke, from the 22d Foot, C. Rouch, from

half-pay Ceylon Rifle Regt. J. Grahame, W. Macpherson, from the 22d Foot, to be Lieuts. without purchase; J. M. Cameron, M.B. L. Kidd, M.B. to be Assisk-Surgs. 34th Foot-R. .1. Worthington. Gent, to be Assist-Surg. vice Powell, promoted on

the Staff. 534 Foot Ensign C. A. Humfrey to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Lloyd,

whose promotion by purchase, on the 5th May 1854, has been cancelled. 59th Foot -Lieut. F. Drags, from the 1st West India Regiment, to be Lieut. vice Sullivan,

promoted, without purchase, to an unattached company. 90th Foot-it. W Jack- son, Gent. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Maclise promoted on the Stall 91st Foot-R. Watson, Gent, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Read, appointed to the Grenadier Guards. Staff-Lieut. G. Griffin, from Paymaster of the 97th Regiment, to be AAR. of a Recruiting District, vice Pieters, promoted, without purchase, to an unattached company:.

Hospital Staff-To be Assist.-Surgs. to the Forces-A. Reid, Gent.; B.. Banger- ford, Gent.; A. B.. Hudson, Gent.; J. Johnson, Gent.; W. M. Calder, Gent.; W. H. Price, Gent.; W. J. Rendell, Gent.; T. Sheehy, M.D.•'. Youell, Gent.; H. Titterton, Gent.; A. El. Taylor, Gent. • A. R. Reid, M.D.; D.C.D. Taylor, M.D.

Memorandum-Assist-Surg. D. O'Reilly Clayton, of the 3d Foot, having absented himself without leave since the 13th March 1854, has been removed from the ser-

vice. The commission of First Lieut. G. B. M'Queen. of the 60th Foot, has been antedated to the 24 October 1853. The commission of Paymaster IL B. Mackenzie, of the Depot Battalion at Fermoy, has been antedated from 14th to let April 185L