27 MAY 1854, Page 6


The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland was opened on the 19th, with the usual formalities by Lord Belhaven, the Lord High Com- missioner. Dr. Grant, of St. i Mary'; Edinburgh, was elected Moderator, on the motion of Dr. Barr.

At the sitting on Wednesday, the Reverend Mr. Phin of Galashiels moved a series of resolutions very strongly condemning the act for the repeal of the University test, and urging the Church to agitate for its repeal. He was met by counter-resolutions, practically shelving the question, moved by Dr. Cook of Haddington. Dr. Cook's resolutions were carried by 222 to 28.

The Assembly of the Free Church deo met on the same day ; and. chose Dr. Grierson, of Errol, as their Moderator, on the motion of Dr. Smyth, seconded by Lord Panmure. From a financial statement submitted to the Assembly, it appears that the income of the Free Church, for the year ending March 31, was no less than 287,5741. 12s. 41d.