27 MAY 1893, Page 24

Mamma: a Retrospect of Life and Travel in Lower Burmah.

By Deputy-Surgeon-General C. T. Parke. (W. H. Allen and Co.)— We are not quite certain as to the real aim of these reminiscences. They appear to us veiled in a slight haze, and we are unable to follow any consecutive series of events or line of thought,— probably events had already become hazy to Deputy-Surgeon- General Parke when he put pen to paper. The voyage out in the East Indiaman of that day, 185—, reads promisingly, but later on the reminiscences become baffling, and are repeatedly broken off to begin what sounds like a political discussion, which is no sooner under weigh than the writer, thinking he had better stop. himself in good time, breaks off once more to return to his indefinite reminiscences. It is a thoroughly disappointing book.