27 MAY 1955, Page 8


MR. R. A. BUTLER : `The only thing I have not been able to do is reduce the price of beer, and that I would like to ao before I die because I would like to think it would be on my tombstone.' ' MR. DOUGLAS JAY : 'I think the present dock strike is most foolish and harmful but I do not think it is any more foolish and harmful than Mr. Butler's policy.'

MR. EMANUEL SHINWELL : `. . . Labour is fighting a collec- tion of shrimps .° MR. EMANUEL SHINWELL : `. . . We are fighting Snow White and the Sevep Dwarfs.'

MR. HERBERT MORRISON : 'We must try to get rid of these beastly new bombs.'

DAILY WORKER : `The great fight of the seventeen Com- munist candidates has been the outstanding feature of this general election.'

DAILY MAIL, describing Miss Hornsby-Smith : 'The carefully manicured hands moved gently yet meaningly as she sought to coax her constituents that there was but one way to 'vote on May 26.'

MR. ATTLEE : 'We shall not go in for rationing unless extra- ordinary circumstances arise which make it necessary for all our people to be adequately fed.'

TRIBUNE : 'Certainly anyone who votes Conservative in this general election does so at his own peril.'


MRS. BARBARA cASTLE : `Spending on armaments is 11S. 9d. per week for every man, woman and child in the country. yet the Government tells us we are so unsafe we have got to make the H-bomb. What better proof could we have that the arms race is not the road to security?'

DAILY SKETCH : `Mr. Attlee called it [the Sketch's `revelation that Bevan might become Prime Minister of Great Britain'] "A DAMNED LIE." He 'added curiously : "I have it on the best authority." ' MR. SHINWELL : 'Compared to these two screeching viragos [Lady Violet Bonham-Carter and Lady Astor] the women in the Labour Parriare angels.'

MR. ANEURIN BEVAN : 'In many parts of Britain and the world they will bfe looking to see what the result is in Ebbw Vale.'

MR. HERBERT MORRISON : 'I am not going to accept a peerage as far as I know.' ' MR. ANEURIN BEVAN : 'Gandhi has done far more good for mankind than a thousand Winston Churchills.'

EVENING NEWS : 'Yesterday we outlined what we believed to be the case against voting Socialist. Today we briefly state the case for voting Conservative.'

DAILY HERALD: 'Vote tomorrow for the children.'