27 MAY 1966, Page 14

Faites Vos Jeux

SIR,—In 'Spectator's Notebook' (May 20) you write amusingly but heedlessly and gently mock those who seek to curb gambling. But you know gambling like drink can lead to disaster, and the Churches Council on Gambling and others are presumably only trying to help people to recognise this. Of course, rot is talked and objections are overdone; but even so, who really plans and sets out to get hopelessly into debt, any more than he plans to become a dipso? Moral precepts are out of fashion, but good advice is not. Mothers tell their children to brush their teeth unless they want them to fall out before they are fifty. (There is even something called fluorida- tion!) Doctors tell us about smallpox and vaccina- tion. Are these things impertinent and do they call for psychological study?


The Dower House, Elstree, Hers