27 MAY 2000, Page 28

Academies of nogoodniks

From Mr George Rafael Sir: Regarding the privatisation of universi- ties (Not one of us', 20 May), Justin Marozzi does not go far enough. Why stop at universities? With the almost total victory of free-enterprise wisdom throughout the West, every aspect of life that can be turned to profit should be privatised, from the air we breathe to the animals in zoos. We could privatise, say, the military. Imagine the spon- sorship opportunities for brewers and manu- facturers of condoms.

As we all know too well, the so-called dis- interested pursuit of knowledge has proved to be an inefficient economic model. Humanities departments, in particular, are simply not pulling their weight. It's time to put their pampered, freeloading nogood- niks out into the fields or into the factories, teach 'em what honest labour is all about. Let's make the great leap forward into a market-led cultural revolution.

George Rafael

London W14