27 NOVEMBER 1841, Page 10

Something seems to have set the admirers of Mr. Yorrso

on the gui vice to recall him to the boards be so long graced, notwithstanding the credit that he gained for judiciously retiring before his powers were on the wane. No doubt, the playgoing public, as well as the management, would welcome the veteran back again right cordbaly ; and if Mr. Yours:: be disposed to risk the effect of a new display upon the fond idea of his greatness as a retired tragedian, he needs not the humbugeous pretence of "the Queen's desire" to excuse the revocation of his former self-sentence. In the absence of new talent of a high order, we wonder that Lfs-ros has not been invited to descend from his private box to the stage, there to afford the town an enjoyment that he alone cannot par- take, that of laughing at his own acting : it would be much more feasi- ble than a second revisitation of CHARLES KEMBLE, which also has been talked of for some time. Liszos has never taken formal leave of the stage : this perhaps accounts for his not returning to it. Actors who have taken farewells are like Teetotallers who take pledges.