27 NOVEMBER 1841, Page 2

ZbE iftetropolis.

At a Court of Common Council, in the Guildhall, on Thnrsday, the City Chamberlain, with the usual forms, presented the freedom of the City to Major-General Sir Charles Felix Smith. Lest his fellow- citizens should suppose that undue honour had been done to him, Sir Charles corrected some misrepresentation in the report of Sir Robert Stopford's speech at the Mansionhoase-

" A perusal of that report would lead an otherwise uninformed person to suppose that I was only intended' to command the land forces at the siege of Acre, and that my health was such as to prevent me from participating largely in the operations of the campaign. I have an assurance from the lips of my respected friend the gallant Admiral, that such was not a faithful representa- tion of what it was his Excellency's intention to impart. It is true that I was taken seriously ill the day after I left Gibraltar, and that I arrived on the rian coast in a state of health far from satisfactory ; Bo much so, indeed, that I could not take a very active part on shore in the establishment of our first *pat station for the distribution of arms to the natives : but, like the Admiral, I issued my orders from the flag-ship, and gave my counsel to him, being held by his Excellency as jointly responsible with himself."

A disabled limb would, at every future step in life, remind him of • Acre. He had been thirty-two years on foreign • for the most part contending against the climate of the Tropics, vely engaged with the enemies of the country. In plain and app • e language, Sir eharles thanked the Court for the honour which they had con-

An unexpected tarn was given to a public meeting in Southwark, on Tuesday. it was called to adopt addresses of congratulation to the Queen and Prince Albert on the birth of the Duke of Cornwall : the High Bailiff presided, and resolutions expressing the thanks of the meeting to Almighty God for the safe delivery of her Majesty, and declaring that an address should be presented to the Queen, were duly passed. An address was then moved ; and to that Mr. John Meynard. moved an addition by way of amendment- " At the same time, we cannot but acquaint your Majesty, that thousands of virtuous and modest women, your Majesty's subjects, are passing the like natural extremities upon beds of straw, without even a pillow whereon to lay their heads; that starvation and misery are pervading the whole length and breadth of the land : and we attribute this state of things to class-legislation,. and therefore pray your Majesty to instruct your Ministers to pass a law, that every male twenty-one years of age, untainted with crime, may have a vote in the election of representatives in the Commons House of Parliament."

Mr. Arthur Barclay and Mr. William Wilson both spoke to order. Mr. Meynard insisted on his right to be heard : if he had been out of or- der, the High Bailiff would have told him so, which be had not yet done. The statements he had made were, no doubt, painful to the ears of Mr. Barclay and his friends ; but how much more painful must they be to him, who saw so much more of the extreme distress which his fellow men were labouring under ? Was there any thing wrong in making it known to their beloved Queen? Did Queen Anne or Queen Elizabeth ever object to their subjects coming to them under such circumstances ? He felt satisfied that Queen Victoria would also listen to their repre- sentation. Dr. Bedford cordially seconded the amendment : it was supported by Mr. Killock, who avowed himself "no Chartist, but a Corn-law Repealer "; and by Mr. Blackmore, a working-man, who was astonished that the gentlemen present should strive to stifle the cries of the poor. As a working-man, be would declare that all sustenance was banished from their dwellings : it was time to arouse themselves, and they would lie dormant no longer : they would insist upon their rulers making better laws, laws which would permit the working- classes to exist. Another Chartist moved a further amendment, in favour of the Charter, and praying for the release of Frost, Jones,.. and Williams ; but it was not seconded, and so it fell to the ground_. Mr. Curling wished that the grievances of the people should be stated at a fitter time, when the Queen was further recovered.; but Mr. Mey- nard persevered, and the High Bailiff declared the amendment car- ried. On the motion of Mr. Meynard, the High Bailiff, (Mr. John Holmes,) Mr. Benjamin Wood, M.P., Alderman Humpbery, M.P., Dr. Bedford, and Mr. William Wilson, were appointed a deputation to pre- sent the address. Thanks were then voted to the Chairman, and the meeting separated.

A meeting of Metropolitan Anti-Corn-law Delegates wasiheld at the Hall of the Central Society, in the Strand, on Monday, to receive a report of the proceedings at the Manchester Conference of Delegates. Plans were arranged for procuring signatures to petitions, according to the recommendation of the Manchester Conference. Among the sug- gested means of raising funds, was the collection of money after sermons preached by m ministers favourable to the cause. Mr. James- Wilson submitted s novel mode of agitation ; which was at once agreed to by the meeting. It was suggested by Mr. Cormick of Hammer- smith, and was thus stated— "Let the delegates resolve, that on their return home they will use their best endeavours to get up subscriptions, and appropriate them in untaxing the bread' of the unemployed poor during the approaching inclement season. The fol- lowing means and manner might be resorted to for the purpose of carrying out this suggestion with effect.

"By means of subscriptions obtained at Anti-Corn-law lectures. By sub. scriptions from charity-sermons at Dissenting chapels. By subscriptions ob- tained through parish meetings in Liberal places.

"The funds to be appropriated in this manner—The Subscription Committee to pay to the appointed bakers the amount of the tax on a given quantity of loaves, and to receive in return separate receipts for the tax upon each loaf thus untaxed. The Subscription Committee to repay subscribers the amount of their subscriptions with these receipts, for the purpose of being distributed among the poor at the option of the subscribers Lastly, let large bills be ex- posed in the bakers' windows to the following effect- - Untaxed bread at 6d. the four-pound loaf may be had by bringing a receipt for the tax, to be obtained from a subscriber, through a recommendation from the Auti-Cora- law Association."

A preliminary meeting was held on Saturday, at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, to determine the most effectual method of rousing the sympathies of the public in behalf of the unemployed weavers of Spitalfields. Resolutions were moved and carried, that a Committee should sit daily at Garraway's Coffeehouse, for the purpose of receiv- ing subscriptions, however small in amount ; and that a general meet- ing of the citizens of London should be called yesterday, at the Lon- don Tavern, to consider the propriety of holding a ball and raising a subscription ; the Lord Mayor to be requested to take the chair. The meeting, however, has been postponed, in order to enable the managing committee the better to collect information on the subject of the dis- tress ; which is greater in the district than it was at first supposed to be.- A meeting was held on Friday night, in Club Row, Bethnal Green,. to consider the means to be adopted for relieving the distress of the- silk-trade of that district. In consequence of the foreign competition,- it was said, thousands of workmen in Spitalfields are now out of employ and in a starving condition ; while the other portion are only partially employed, at wages reduced 30 to 75 per cent. It was resolved that ap- plication should be made for part of the funds reserved by the "Manu- facture Relief Committee" in 1826 and 1827. A committee was ap- pointed by the meeting to wait upon the Magistrates and influential' gentlemen in the district, in order to solicit them to form a local com- mittee for promoting a subscription for the journeymen weavers. The deputation waited on Mr. Broughton, the sitting Magistrate at Worship' Street, on Saturday morning.

The rate-payers of St. Ann's, Limehouse, were again assembled on Wednesday, "to assist to make a rate for the repairs of the church "; and another letter was read from the Bishop a London, calling upon the Churchwardens "to do their duty." Mr. Ford, the junior Church- warden, proposed a rate of sixpence. Mr. Brunton suggested, as a mode of obviating all discord in future, that the collector should be provided with two books, one to collect the rate as made by the Vestry from those who had no objection to pay it, and the other to receive a voluntary rate from the conscientiously-scrupulous in those nrattent. The senior Churchwarden, however, the chairman, said that, as the

amendment was a direct negative to the first motion, he should not put it ; and that course being loudly objected to, he declared himself willing to take all the responsibility ; "and now he was ready to tell them that the Bishop had directed him to present the names of all those who ob- jected to the rate." This avowal caused the utmost anger and con- fusion. Eventually the motion for a rate was negatived, by 96 to 67. A poll was then demanded.

The Directors and several of the subscribers to the Thames Tunnel used it as a thoroughfare, for the first time, on Wednesday. The Wapping end of the passage will be completed in about three weeks.

The half-yearly meeting of the South-eastern (London and Dover) Railway Company was held on Thursday, at the London Tavern. The report stated that the works were progressing, and that contracts were entered into for completing the railway to Tonbridge in May, to Staple- hurst Road in July, and to Ashford in December next ; that the tunnel at Bletchingley was completed ; and that by the 1st January the line would be connected with the Brighton line near Red Hill. The late storms and heavy rains had not impaired the works. Since the de- claration of forfeiture of 7,372 shares in August, 2,513 shares had been paid; 18,304/. had been advanced on account of the joint station at London Bridge. The receipts for the half-year up to the 1st of Oc- tober were 188,8641., making a total of cash of 788,8521. 2s. ad. ; and the payments were 246,8731., making the total payments 762,4901.; eaving a balance in hand of 26,3617. The report was adopted.

A deputation from the parish of St. Mary Abbott's, Kensington, waited on Sir James Graham, at the Home Office, on Monday, to repre- sent the danger arising from the discontinuance of gas-lights along the Metropolitan roads. The tolls, it is said, have suffered so much from the transfer of traffic to railways, that the Commissioners of Roads can no imager afford lights. After hearing the statements of the deputation, Sir James said that Government could not promise to bring the subject before Parliament. Kensington was the first parish that had complained on the subject to the Home Office, and he consequently was not officially aware whether or not the evil had been remedied in other parishes. He would therefore recommend that a meeting of the rate-payers should be called for the purpose of adopting the General Lighting Act, for the lighting of the dark portions of the parish ; and whatever might be the decision the parish should come to, they could afterwards memorialize the Home Office on the subject, stating the whole of the facts ; and then, be had no doubt, Government would ascertain what power they had to remedy the evil. The deputation then withdrew.

In the Court of Queen's Bench, on Tuesday, Mr. Jervis appeared to show cause against a rule calling upon Mr. Anderson to show by what authority he exercised the office of a burgess in the borough of Ludlow in Shropshire. The grounds of the rule were, that Mr. An- derson had not, in 1840, any qualifying property within the borough. It was one of twenty-two rules which had been granted on the affidavit of Mr. Leehmere Chariton; and Mr. Jervis said that the present was a mere indirect attempt by Mr. Charlton to try whether or not his own property of Ludford was within the borough. Mr. Charlton had de- manded to have his own name placed upon the burgess-roll, and two years ago be had procured a rule for a mandamus having that object to be made absolute ; but no other step had been taken in that prosecution. It had been held that a mere inhabitant, not being a burgess, might call in question the title of any borough-officer having the power to impose taxes ; but it had never been held that a mere inhabitant could object to the title of a burgess who had no voice in the imposition of a rate ; and it was admitted that the officers of the borough had no jurisdiction in the place where Ludford was situate. Mr. Kelly, in support of the rule, contended that the question of Mr. Charlton's property being within the borough must not be tried on the present occasion ; and he insisted, that, as the Court had formerly made the rule for a mandamus absolute, it must hold that Mr. Charlton had sufficient title to support the present application. Judgment was deferred. On Wednesday, there was some delay in the progress of business ; several counsel having motions to make, but desiring to await the ar- rival of the Solicitor-General, who was engaged elsewhere. Chief Justice Denman said that the Court could not be trifled with, and he ordered the Usher to adjourn it ; thus abruptly putting an end to the term.

In the Bail Court, on Tuesday, at the instance of the Reverend Charles Allen Anstey, the Attorney-General applied for a rule to show cause why a criminal information should not be filed against Feargus O'Connor, the editor and proprietor of the Northern Times, and George White. Mr. Anstey is one of the Masters of Rugby School. Some -time ago, Ann Fearon, a servant in his family, married an Irish hawker ; who was unable to support her, and therefore she returned to live with her mother. Fearon followed her, and, to induce her to live with him, ill-treated her ; which coming to the knowledge of Mr. Anstey, he in- terfered, remonstrated with Fearon, persuaded him to go and live quietly at Rugby, and made arrangements with the parish-officers not to molest the man for money which he owed them. On these circum- stances, Mr. White, in a letter to the Northern Star, pointedly alluding to Mr. Anstey, though not by name, founded a fabricated tale, in which the prosecutor was charged with conduct of the grossest immorality towards Mrs. Fearon. The rule was granted.

At Bow Street, on Saturday, Mr. Samuel Williams, of Windlesham Hall, near Bagshot, Surrey, was charged by the Reverend Dr. .1. A. Giles with stealing a quantity of plate, valued at 2001. In consequence of his going to reside on the Continent, Dr. Giles let Windlesham Hall to Mr. Williams ; and when he gave him an inventory of the furniture, pointed out to him several places where he had deposited valuable pro- perty, and one where he had secured his plate. Mr. Williams and his wife were present when Mr. Giles so deposited the plate. Circum- stances caused Mr. Giles's return to England earlier than he had antici- pated: he went down to Windlesham Hall for the purpose of taking ray his plate ; when he was informed by Mr. Williams that it had been removed by him to a place of safety, because he had reason to suspect that some person had been attempting to open the plate-chest. Mr. Williams promised to bring him the plate in a few days. This promise he did not keep ; and after receiving several letters from Mr. Williams, in which he promised to call and deliver the plate, Mr. Giles had him taken into custody. Since that time, Williams said he had pledged the plate with Mr. Kirkham, a pawnbroker in the Strand, for something about 1001.; and that he had pledged the duplicates for 61. more. Mr. Kirkham and his shopman refused at first to appear ; sum- monses were then issued, which were also disregarded ; a search-warrant was next granted; but upon its being executed, none of the property was found. Mr. Kirkham, who acted under advice, at length surren- dc,red the plate, and appeared before the Magistrate. In the course of his examination, however, Mr. Kirkham was ordered out of court for prompting the answers of his shopman. He was afterwards taken into custody, on the charge of receiving property knowing it to be

stolen. Mr. Williams and Mr. Kirkham were both remanded till today. Kirkham was released, on entering into his own recog- nizances for 200/., and finding sureties for his future appearance at 100/. each.

Mr. Cottingham, the Magistrate at Union Hall, has lately been occu- pied with rather an embarrassing and equally amusing case. Jane Graham charged a Mr. Beevor and his wife with assault. She met him in the street a few days ago, claimed him as her husband ; and in the scuffle which followed she was worsted. The charge of assault, how- ever, merged in the greater question, the claim for a husband, which Mrs. Graham preferred with renewed earnestness. She said that she was married to Beevor in 1825, near Dublin, by a Catholic priest ; but he afterwards left her and went to India. Her assertion was corroborated by the testimony of Mrs. Andrews, a woman with whom Mrs. Graham and her husband lodged seventeen years ago. Mrs. Andrews declared. she had no doubt that Beevor was the man whom she had known as Mrs. Graham's husband. Noble, a man who was employed at the Star livery-stable, Blackman Street, when Mrs. Graham still possessed a husband, said that he would not positively say that Beevor was the same man whom he had known as horse-keeper at the Star livery-sta- bles: he rather thought that he was not the man called Jerry Graham ; who to the best of his remembrance was slightly marked with the small- pox. Mrs. Graham denied that her husband had any mark of that kind on his face. Mr. Beevor declared that he never was in Ireland in his life ; and that he never saw the woman until twelve months back, when she met him in the street. Since that time she had not ceased following him about from place to place, accusing him of disowning her, and using threats towards himself and his wife, to whom he had been married for many years. The Magistrate said the case was most ex- traordinary; and he suggested, that to clear up all doubts on the point, it would be necessary to procure the certificate of Beevor's baptism, to show whether he was born in this country or in Ireland.

At Marylebone Police-office, on Monday, Job John Ward was charged_ with the murder of Timothy Easted, an infant aged one year and nine months ; and his examination was continued on Wednesday. Ward has been living with Mrs.Easted, a widow, and the mother of the murdered child; to whom he was shortly going to be married. On Saturday night, Ward came home intoxicated. He brought some meat to be cooked for his supper, and requested Mrs. Fasted to go and fetch some beer. She consented to do so, if he would promise that be would not beat the baby while she was gone. She left the child asleep in bed, and on her return she heard it groaning. When she took it out of bed, the infant was in a dying state, bruised and injured in the head. By the advice of a surgeon it was taken to the London University Hos- pital, where it died in a couple of hours. It was stated that Ward had a dislike to the infant, and that on several occasions he had beaten and ill-used it. Ward said he fell upon the child while standing on the bed to reach some onions from the cupboard ; but Mrs. Easted explained, that that was shown to be impossible, from the position of the clothes-horse, which must have been moved by his fall, and which had remained un- touched. Two surgeons stated their opinion that the death of the child proceeded from injuries inflicted on the head by a blunt instrument. Ward was committed to Newgate for trial. An inquest was held on the body of the child, at the Hospital ; when the Jury returned a verdict of" Wilful Murder" against "Ward.

An inquest was held on Saturday, at the Blue Anchor Tavern, St. Mary-at-Hill, on the body of Mrs. Blakesley, who died on Thursday, in consequence of the wound inflicted by her husband. She had been prematurely delivered of a dead child a few days before, and had sunk from that time. She was not aware of Blakesley's execution ; that in- telligence, therefore, had no share in hastening her death ; and the surgeon who attended her said that there was no cause of death but the wound. The Jury returned a verdict of "Wilful Murder" against Robert Blakesley.

As Mr. Pau, a gentleman living at Salisbury Place, on the south side of Turnham Green Common, was returning home on Friday night, some time after eight o'clock, he was suddenly seized from behind; his arms were pinioned, and his mouth was gagged by a piece of rag thrust into it ; he was thrown down, after a vigorous struggle, stabbed in the side, and robbed of thirteen sovereigns and his pocket-book, containing a number of blank checks and several papers. He fainted. When he recovered his senses, he managed to reach home ; but he has since been in a state of some danger. A greatcoat and a spectacle-case in his waistcoat-pocket helped to intercept the knife with which he was stabbed, or the blow would probably have been mortal. A large knife, of a French make, was found in the neighbourhood, covered with blood.

Richard Weeks, a lunatic pensioner of Greenwich, has just had 120,000/. bequeathed to him by an aunt. His wife, a person of manners much superior to her station, has hitherto supported herself in Green- wich by needlework. He was examined before a commission de luna- tieo inquirendo, issued at the instance of his wife, on Wednesday ; and the Jury Without hesitation found that he had been of insane mind and unable to take care of his affairs since the 1st September 1840.