27 NOVEMBER 1852, Page 20


ADMIRALTY, Nov. 13.-Corps of Royal Marines-First Lieut. C. L. Barnard to be Adjt, of the Artillery Companies, vice Lawrence, promoted.

ADMIE.LLTY, Nov. 23.-Corps of Royal Marines-Brevet Major H. Evans to be Lieut.-Col. vice Garmston, retired on full-pay ; Brevet Major S. R.. Wesley, Assist.- Adjt-Gen. to be Lieut.-CoL ; Brevet Major T. Fynmore to be Lieut.-Col. vice Horn- brook, retired on full-pay; First Lieut. and Adjt. J. A. Stewart to be Capt. vice Evans, promoted ; First Lieut, and Quartermaster J. Pickard to be Capt. vice Fyn- more, promoted ; Second Lieut. T. G. S. Meheux to be First Lieut. vice Stewart, promoted ; Second Lieut. W. T. Savary to be First Lieut. vice Pickard, promoted ; First Lieut. B.. V. Allen to be Adjt.; First Lieut. .1. W. C. Williams to be Quarter- master.