27 NOVEMBER 1858, Page 10



Dealings iu the English Funds have again been of the most limited de- scription, the variation, until today, barely reaching 4 per cent during.the whole week ; with an abundant supply of capital, at almost nominal rates, with the prospect likewise of immediate additional resources, there is yet. au absence of animation in all departments ef the Stock Exchange Which. Is quite unprecedented ; usually at this time of the year. and the .near ap- proach of the time when Consols will be quoted ex, div., the public are observed to invest considerably ; at this present period, however, there is a complete stagnation in that respect perfectly. unaccountable. • The trans- actions of the week have been wholly unimportant, the new Chili= Loan, about to be negotiated, scarcely having any effect. The market opened


firmly on Monday, with a slight indication of ncreasing business. Consols. -were 98/ 981 ; subsequently there was is general flatness, from which there

has since been no recovery; this heaviness, however, is entirely without any assignable cause, except that of absence of legitimate business. Bank Stock marks today 224 2254. Reduced and New Three per Cents are last quoted 963 96,4. Consols have been heavier today, and close 98 98/. There has been a general dulness throughout the week in the Foreign Stock Market, and quotations heavy at the close today show little altera- tion upon last week. Some attention has been given to the New Chilian Loan of 1,554,8001., 41 per cent per annum introduced by Messrs. Baring Brothers at 92, the scrip quotation of which is now 1 to prem.; the loan will be represented by bonds of 100/. and 500/. interest from 1st .December 1818. Mexican leaves off, 20 20k; Peruvian Stock has not been dealt in vetv extensively this week but the quotations are steady, the Four-and-a- halt per Cent, 9394; Ditto Three per Cent, 74 75; Ditto Uribarren, 87 88; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 80 81 ex. ; Venezuela Active, 401 411 ; Buenos Ayres, 85 86; Portuguese Three per Cott, 471 48; Russitaa, 113 114; Chilian Six per Cent, 104 106; Victor Emmanuel, 981 99k; Brazilian, 971 98; Spanish Three per Cent, 47 471; Ditto Certificates, 5:1 6. The Railway Share Market, like that for English Securities, continues in the most inactive state, general heaviness prevailing all round. Occasion- ally the improved traffic returns exercise a beneficial influence, but upon the

wide the tendency seems towards a gradual decline in the quotations of the leading lines. Great Westerns have receded to bn 53i, and London

and Brighton to 1101 1111 ; Midland is stationary, 97/ 981, and Lancashire and Yorkshire, 951 96; Caledonians arc the same as quoted last week, 421 43/, and South Eastern, 221 221; Great Northern Shares, 261 261 ; Ox- ford, Worcester, and Wolverhampion, 134 141 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 351 36; Berwick, 92 921. The Foreign Railway Market ies been heavy and drooping, French shares dull. The Lombardo-Veuetian shares arc flat, although the arrangements are completed for the purchase of the different Austrian Lines which are to be united, 4 4%; and the new shares, 21 ; Paris and Lyons, 341 35 ; Southern of France, 221 231 ; Eastern of France, 27f 281. There has been a slightly unproved business in Joint Stock Banks, but with no particular change in values. The Atlantic Telegraph shares are nominally 300 330, no transaction being marked on the official list.


AD Account, pursuant to the 7th and sib ViCtOri“ 4.ap. 32, for the weekending on Wednesday the 24th day olls7ev. 1858.

185rE DEr•nisieNT.

NOteS issued £32,609,460 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities 3,459,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 16,134,960 Silver Bullion L82,609,460 £32,609,460

li401/13,1 DEPARTMENT.

Proprletors•Capttal Rest 3,153,380 Public Deposit 7,071,799 Other Deposits 12,820,561

Seven Days and other ien$ 830,217

£39,029,245 £39,029,245 414,553,000 Government Securities (inclu- ding Dead Wci5htAnnuity).£10,605,591 Other Securities 15,323,774 Notes 12,251,030 Gold and Silver Coin 645,850 ` Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct.