27 NOVEMBER 1869, Page 1


THE Tipperary Election has been a great triumph for the worst kind of Fenian terrorism. It began on Monday with a very disorderly hustings scene, in which a Catholic priest, by name Ryan, said :—" The people are now acting on a new, patent, and most successful principle—mind you, I am not praising it ; as a priest, I am a man of peace—but now one brother will not trust another with the secret, nor the father the son, nor the son the father, with what he intends to do. He goes out, he takes his revolver, and he tumbles his landlord." A man of peace, indeed ! The priest who used such language of vile deeds is infinitely more guilty of murder in the sight of God than many of the ignorant creatures who, hearing their priest speak thus, may probably carry out the plan he describes so jocularly. Father Ryan has, how- ever, we believe, been repeatedly suspended for similar acts of political brutality. O'Donovan Rossa, a Fenian convict, was proposed, and the show of hands was declared to be in his favour, Mr. Heron, the Liberal candidate, scarcely getting a hearing.