27 NOVEMBER 1886, Page 1

Both sections of the Liberals at Brighton resolved to ask

Sir George Trevelyan (who is in Rome) to contest the seat for them ; but he has very wisely replied in the negative. The truth is, that whilst the great issue between the Government and the Opposition is the question of Home-rule in Ireland, it is not in any way desirable for any Unionist to avail himself of the votes of Liberal Home-rulers in order to secure his return. Such support could not but embarrass him when the moment of conflict came, and whether it em- barrassed him or not, could not but lead to serious disappoint- ment amongst either the one or the other section of Liberals who had given him their support. Sir George Trevelyan had at times offered to go rather far with Mr. Gladstone, though not so far as was necessary for uniting their forces. Bat the more he has reflected on the situation, the more no doubt he has been convinced that no good is to be got out of a patched-up peace between combatants both of whom are really fighting for a principle. If one tries to ride on two horses at once, one should be sure that they will not take divergent roads. In this case they certainly will take divergent roads.