27 NOVEMBER 1886, Page 3

On Friday week, a meeting was held at the rooms

of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to reconsider and decide on the scheme presented by Miss Linde to a meeting at the same place held on May 10th, for establishing a home of rest for horses. The chair was taken by Lord Arthur Somerset, and Mr. Safford, the Secretary, read the report, which stated that they had received 2213 from donors towards the proposed home, and had besides annual subscriptions promised to the amount of 00, of which the Treasurer (Mr. Jacob lIontefiore) had already received £75. This seemed enough to begin upon, and it was stated that the intention was to hire a farm between Sudbury and Harrow, with about forty acres of grass-land and a number of loose boxes, for the purposes of the home. For the present, it is thought that the proposal to buy horses and let them out to the men who bring their own horses for a few weeks' rest, must be deferred, both because it would take too much capital, and because it is not easy to devise securities for the proper care and treatment, and due return of the horses so let out by the Society. For the present, there- fore, it would be needful to limit the aims of the Society to providing on very reasonable terms a rest for horses in need of rest, and likely to be saved by rest from an imminent break-down. It was decided that a ball should be given in December or January, in the Kensington Town Hall, in aid of the home, at which the band of the 10th Hussars will be allowed to provide the music. The meeting was crowded and enthusiastic, and we have every hope that this little instalment of justice,—long overdue,—to our best allies and most patient, as well as most powerful friends in the animal world,—the horses without whose aid we should find even the railways almost useless,—will really be paid, and will prove the parent of many similar homes.