27 NOVEMBER 1920, Page 1


rIVENTS in Ireland have been of unexampled horror. 12.1 Those of us who can remember well the furious wave Of indignation and pity which swept the country when Lord Frederick Cavendish and Mr. Burke were murdered in Phoenix Park had to admit, while we were reading the papers this week, that those distant crimes paled before the abominations which have occurred in Dublin. In discharging our duty of recording the news of the week we find ourselves in some difficulty, for we have to try to explain two apparently irreconcilable facts. On the one hand there is the fact that the murders in Ireland have been more numerous and more determined than ever, and on the other hand there is the fact—for we take it to be a fact— that in most parts of Ireland the Sinn Fein organization is showing distinct signs of weakness, if it is not actually breaking down.