27 NOVEMBER 1920, Page 13


OF THE "SPECTATOR.") 8114—It is surprising that none of those who have sought to Justify the Irish" assassinations or to palliate their guilt (i: any) have ever cited the authority of the Reverend Father

Tons-a-tous. It will be remembered that this inestimable nutn's pronouncement was given by way of advice to a young and virtuous lady who had besought a Minister of State to free her lover from an Unjust and hopeless imprisonment. Her

quest had been granted in the most obliging manner, but the price demanded was the sacrifice of her chastity. As the !esereni father's solution of her perplexities is applicable to the questions of the day it is expedient to recall it :— "Prernibrinnent, ma' fille,..ne elites jamids co met, mon jrnt; y a quelque chose de mOndaine qui pourrait offenser dites mon man, car been qu'il no le soil pas encore, vous regard es comma tel, et rien n'eat plus honnete. Secondment, eu qu'd soot votre 6poux en idea, en espkance, ii ne rest en stet; ainsi vous ne commettriez pas uu adultbre, p4e114

qu'il faut toujours enter infaist quill eat possible: Troisibmement, les actions no wont pas d'une malice de coulpe quand !Intention eat pure, et rien n'est plus par quo de delivrer votre matt Je no vous e,onseille rien, vous etes sage; il est h presumer que vous so:wee utile h votre man. Jo peierai. Dieu pour TOON, et j'espere quo tout se passera h an plus grande gloire. '

Nothing can be clearer or more convincing than this, and its application to pimping, adultery, murder, suicide, and other enormous sins which one should always avoid as much as pos- sible must be plain to anyone not impervious to reason.— I am, Sir, dace E. A. Dram 32 Belsize Park Gardens, N.W.