27 NOVEMBER 1926, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In your issue of October 23rd, p. 699, appeared a review of " Italy and Fascism," by Don Luigi Sturzo, ex-leader of the Italian " Partito Populare," a priest and a politician, now living in England. Your reviewer says that " Don Sturzo could not, in any case, have remained in Italy. He was said to be next on the list for death after Matteotti." He also quotes Professor Gilbert Murray as saying that Don Sturzo " is sometimes commended by Fascist newspapers to the special attention of any assassins who happen to be idle in England."

Both statements are contained in Prof. Gilbert Murray's Preface, but it is difficult to find, either in the book itself, or in the Preface, any proof that either is true. May I then ask, either Don Sturzo or Professor Murray, or anyone else who is able to inform me, for adequate proof of these statements? The first rests on hearsay. Who " said" it, where and when? The second seems to rest on documents—newspapers. What newspapers said this thing, where and when ?—I am, Sir, &c., M. G. CHADWICK, 56 Via Gregoriana, Rome.