27 NOVEMBER 1926, Page 26

There is a comic side to Sir Thomas Roe's embassy

to the Grand Moghul—how our dignified ambassador had to enrolls, with Jehangir and receive presents of " whyld hogges " and Babylonish garments from him ; and how shrewd Sir Thotna, observed the ways of the Moghuls and turned them to hi, country's service. There is also another and more important side to his record of an early Embassy to the East. The new edition of Sir Thomas's journal and correspondence, edited by Sir William Foster (Oxford University Press, 18s.), is most welcome. Students of Imperial affairs (and no one can under. stand British responsibility in India who has not studied the Mohammedan administration) and lovers of seventeenth. century India will want this newly-collated and well-annoted edition of The Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to India, 1615-10,