27 NOVEMBER 1936, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]

Sza.—In your issue dated November 13th there is an article entitled " Can South Wales be Saved ?-1. First Impres- sions " by H. Powys Greenwood.

In the third paragraph of the second column the following sentence occurs :

" But I could not help reflecting, as I admired the great new steel plant on the Cardiff Docks, that it was producing four times the output with half the men employed by the works it replaced."

We are not aware where your correspondent got his infor- mation, but, in any case, it is very wide of the truth. The actual facts are that the works he refers to in Cardiff, which belong to this company, are designed to produce 50 per cent. more output with 25 per cent, less men than was the case at our old Dowlais Works, which the works at Cardiff have replaced. Fifty per cent. more output • with 25 per cent. less men is very different from four times the output with half the men.—Yours faithfully, J. S. HOLLINGS.

Port Talbot.. Baldwins Iron and Steel Co., Ltd,