27 NOVEMBER 1959, Page 55


ACROSS 1 The foot seems to hesitate, that's fruity (7) 5 Old mice grow musical! (7)

9 Shivering cold round here in France (7)

10 Do these sportsmen really appear in these contraptions? (7)

11 He can become saint apace (3-7) t2 Sounds as if he can make an agile get-away (4) 13 The monkey's pulse? (3) 14 Sure, provided 1 get a dainty, here's the declaration (II)

17 She could apparently count her blessings by the ton (11) 19 Legal quadruped (3)

20 I'm in front of the advance troops, say this terrible chap (4)

22 How the inhabitant of the field went for Lord De Guest. (4-6) 26 At this point the citizen turns back, 27 He'll tolerate no coarseness (7) contrariwise (7) 28 Went to bed, only to have to get dressed again! (7) dandies 29 The Spanish among the cheats (7) DOWN

2 3

1 Heaps of kisses (5) No night-cap this (4-5) It's as'old as the ark, it seems I7) Such a personality might be en-


countered in Yugoslavia (5) Was he responsible for the god


descending upon the stage'? (9) A rising bird (4)


One penny, splendid! (5)


Players sent a mixture of letters (9) 8 Ripe blush might betray him! (9)


Once under, failed to follow suit



A first prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize of a hook token for one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened on Dec. IL Address solutions: Crossword No. 1065, 99 Gower St., London, WO,

Chambers's' Twentieth Camay Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords. Solution on December I1

16 If a don should be found asleep, he should be left 19) 18 Can't want more (7)

21 French judgment on not very firm ground (5) 23 '-by the trappings, dazzled by the paint' (Whitehead) (5) 24 Not felt by Miss Buss and Miss Beale (5) 25 What a fuss about porridge! (4)