27 OCTOBER 1866, Page 2

Count von Bismarck has, we suspect, been beaten by the

Court circle. The final terms granted to Saxony are very much too favourable for the interests of Germany. The Prussians,. it is true, obtain the right of placing a garrison in Dresden and Kfinig- stein, and a war indemnity of 1,500,0001. and the control of the telegraph ; but Saxony is to have a separate army, and to " regu- late her diplomatic representation in conformity with the general bases to be laid down for the whole of the North German Con- federation." That reads as if King John had not surrendered his right to keep agents abroad, a vital question for the future. The Saxons, however, are utterly disgusted with the whole buziness, are demanding a constitution, and will probably ask, through their representatives in. the German Parliament, for total absorption. - At present they will have incessant Prussian interference, but no Prussian rule.