27 OCTOBER 1866, Page 2

They have a vicar at lialbertoeeDevoentheRag. R..Gindiestone,

Canon of Bristol, who must be a sore thorn in the sides of the squires. He keeps writing to the Times about labourers' wages, and seems to think 8s. a week not enough. He declares that he knows cases in which wages are 8s., out of which la. 6d. is deducted for rent, besides further sums for grist, &c., till the labourer only takes 3s. 6d in coin. He is steadily forwarding all labourers who will go to other parishes where labour is in better demand, and he may, if he likes, quicken the process. Let him preach a sermon or two describing America, and showing the poor hinds how to get there, and he will very soon bring the farmers to terms.