27 OCTOBER 1877, Page 1

A third tele g ram also in the Daily Telegraph, which on

Friday rather distinguished itself for early information, states that the Russians on Wednesday attacked Kadikoi in great force, but Asaf Pasha's Division, strengthened by four battalions from "Tchernavoda, repulsed them with great loss. This telegram, how- ever, comes from Shumla, where telegrams are severely edited, and it is probable that it records the defeat of some small recon- naissance. A reinforcement of four battalions could not mean much against a serious attack. All accounts hitherto from the Lom have represented the Russians as persistently inactive, awaiting, it is believed, a movement by General Zimmerman, whose corps d'arnWe in the Dobrudscha has been strongly rein- forced, and who apparently compelled Suleiman Pasha to forego his design of an immediate attack, and to fall back on Rasgrad.