27 OCTOBER 1888, Page 1


TEEEPope has thought it wise to express publicly his dis- satisfaction with the Emperor of Germany's treatment -of him, and has chosen for the purpose a singular medium. He has allowed himself to be interviewed by the Roman corre- spondent of the Daily Telegraph, and has permitted him to publish words the significance of which is unmistakable. 'There is no need to ask for proof of the authenticity of the 'conversation, even if our contemporary did not vouch for it. 'Only a great ecclesiastic trained to diplomacy would have uttered what is meant for a severe rebuke to "that young man," as the Pope called the Emperor, in such an exquisitely polished form. "I had much," said his Holiness, "to say to him ; but just as I was beginning my discourse, he inter- rupted me by calling in his brother, in order to present him to me. After that, I had no further opportunity of speaking privately with him. I did not find that the young Emperor resembled his late father, whom I per- sonally knew and liked, and with whom I have conversed for more than an hour at a stretch. He was a wise and good Prince, very well read (molt° istruito), intelligent, and large. minded. His manners were perfect. What he said was always full of good sense and kindness." The Pope knows his own business best, but satirising the master of legions is risky work. Those words will sting deep, and be remembered for years.