27 OCTOBER 1894, Page 1

We are sorry to see that the evidence, published in

the Times of Thursday, of Mr. Lewis TaniPlin, Chief Officer of the Kowshing,' the troop-ship sunk by the Japanese at the beginning of the war, completely confirms the story that the Japanese fired on their enemies when wrecked. The giowshing ' had been sunk under the shells of the Naniwa,' and all the troops were drowning, when some Chinese soldiers managed to get into two lifeboats. The Captain of the Naniwa ' not only made no attempt to rescue the Ohinese,7whicia it would have been perhaps too much to expect, but ordered his armed cutter to destroy the lifeboats and the Chinese in them, which, in spite of the remonstrances of Mr. Tamplin, was done. The Chinese were quite as cruel. The soldiers evidently suspected the Europeans on board of treachery, and after sighting the Naniwa ' threatened to cut their throats. The officers were followed by executioners ; and after the destruction of the ship were fired at by the Chinese, who were "herding round the part of the Kowshing 'which was still out of water." Japanese skill has risen to the European level, but not Japanese pitiful- ness,—rather a bad prospect for the world, if Japan is to rule in the Far East.