27 OCTOBER 1928, Page 15


Something very definite has been done by the associations. Every November a day will be fixed for tree-planting along one or other of the new roads. November is, of course, the best of the transplanting months. You could not have a better date from the horticultural point of view than Armistice Day ; and it is quite unnecessary to stress the symbolism of this happy accident. I may perhaps, with due reverence, compare this association of ideas with the not uncommon country belief that the best day in the year for grafting trees is Good Friday, even though Easter is a shifting date. It should be quite unnecessary for the association to buy trees. Both nurserymen and county house owners would give freely, if rightly approached. In an interesting list of trees and shrubs suggested as suitable, why are fruit trees quite omitted ? I would much • rather see an apple than a laburnum of any variety ; and it is surely a mistake to suggest that the almond is shorter lived than the laburnums, which, incidentally, may have the disadvantage of dropping singularly poisonous seeds.